Moho Manchester
Just woke up in Manchester after playing our first show in 8 months. It was really good. We tried out some of the new material and it seemed to be received pretty well… made me think that actually having spent all this time writing and not doing gigs has been well spent as now we have a bunch of songs that I feel really happy with and that are a hopefully some of our best yet.
My highlight of the evening was watching two guys fighting in the city centre. They were both pretty drunk and loony so neither one was more in the right than the other but there is still something fairly upsetting about watching someone push a guy out of his wheelchair and stamp on his head. There must be a song lyric in there somewhere.
Also we went and did a session on the mark Riley show on 6 Music which I think went well. He is a friendly guy and I always forget he was in the Fall until we have left the studio, which is lucky for him or I would bore him to death with nerdy questions. I always imagine Mark E smith to be a bit like Charles Manson. Really convincing and eloquent but ultimately bitter and nasty.
Bands that reference eastern stuff to make themselves sound exotic and interesting.
China Crisis
There are lots more but I can’t think of them right now.
Kula Shaker?